Monday, June 11, 2012

FYI - CVT Diagnosis / Repair project

Devised a plan about doing the diagnosis and repair on the 650.  Considering the extent of the project, I broke it up into three separate phases:

1. Tupperware Removal
2. Engine Removal
3. CVT Removal

I will be putting together a separate DIY and detailed project plan for each phase.

1 comment:

  1. my burgman wont go faster than 1st gear, itll go to 2nd but wont go faster than 1st gear. im assuming its the ppps (primary position pulley sensor) i have one on order. my questions are also concerning the cvt but also the key ignition which has also broke because my mechanic jarred it int he wrong way and brok the key lock so you cant even start the bike if you want to. can you rebuild the lock? also if the ppps went out, is there a chance it damaged something else and if so what? can the cvt be fixed without dropping the engine and can the ignition cylinder be rebuilt by a locksmith with out having to replace the whole ignition lock set?
