Saturday, June 30, 2012

DIY - CVT Repairs

Published the DIY for the massive CVT Repairs project, which you can view here:

 CVT Repairs 

Phase 1 and 2 are complete and can be used.

I will be following up with a complete DIY video that will cover phase 2 in its entirety.

Will add data for phase 3 as I gather and compile it.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

DIY - New Tupperware Videos

Added a number of new Tupperware videos as part of the CVT tear down project.

You can check them out here;

seat Seat
 Center Frame Cover

DIY - New video library additions

Added a number of new videos to the library as part of the CVT tear down project.

You can check them out:

 Throttle Assembly

Monday, June 11, 2012

Video - Burgman 650 Striptease

Finished phase one of the CVT diagnosis / repair project which meant removing all the tupperware.
It's a 25 steps project which I highlighted in this video that shows all the pieces that need to come off
prior to separating the engine from the frame.

Video - Burgman 650 Striptease

FYI - CVT Diagnosis / Repair project

Devised a plan about doing the diagnosis and repair on the 650.  Considering the extent of the project, I broke it up into three separate phases:

1. Tupperware Removal
2. Engine Removal
3. CVT Removal

I will be putting together a separate DIY and detailed project plan for each phase.

RIP - Dead Standard 04 650 at 52k miles

On May 25th, 2012 I lost all traction on my std. 2004 Burgman 650 with 52k miles on it.

The scoot went completely dead, would rev high with zero traction or forward movement.

Had the scoot towed to the house and began the diagnosis and possible repair project.